An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential TechniqueLuck, Steven J. By Steven J Luck

An essential guide to designing conducting and analyzing event related potential ERP experiments completely updated for this editionThe event related potential ERP techniue in which neural responses to specific events are extracted from the EEG provides a powerful noninvasive tool for exploring the human brain This volume describes practical methods for ERP research along with the underlying theoretical rationale It offers researchers and students an essential guide to designing conducting and analyzing ERP experiments This second edition has been completely updated with additional material new chapters andaccessible explanations Freely available supplementary material including several online only chapters offer expanded or advanced treatment of selected topicsThe first half of the book presents essential background information describing the origins of ERPs the nature of ERP components and the design of ERP experiments The second half of the book offers a detailed treatment of the main steps involved in conducting ERP experiments covering such topics as recording the EEG filtering the EEG and ERP waveforms and uantifying amplitudes and latencies Throughout the emphasis is on rigorous experimental design and relatively simple analyses New material in the second edition includes entire chapters devoted to components artifacts measuring amplitudes and latencies and statistical analysis; updated coverage of recording technologies; concrete examples of experimental design; and manyfigures Online chapters cover such topics as overlap localization writing and reviewing ERP papers and setting up and running an ERP labAn essential guide to designing, conducting, and analyzing event-related potential (ERP) experiments, completely updated for this edition.The event-related potential (ERP) technique, in which neural responses to specific events are extracted from the EEG, provides a powerful noninvasive tool for exploring the human brain. This volume describes practical methods for ERP research along with the underlying theoretical rationale. It offers researchers and students an essential guide to designing, conducting, and analyzing ERP experiments. This second edition has been completely updated, with additional material, new chapters, and more accessible explanations. Freely available supplementary material, including several online-only chapters, offer expanded or advanced treatment of selected topics.The first half of the book presents essential background information, describing the origins of ERPs, the nature of ERP components, and the design of ERP experiments. The second half of the book offers a detailed treatment of the main steps involved in conducting ERP experiments, covering such topics as recording the EEG, filtering the EEG and ERP waveforms, and quantifying amplitudes and latencies. Throughout, the emphasis is on rigorous experimental design and relatively simple analyses. New material in the second edition includes entire chapters devoted to components, artifacts, measuring amplitudes and latencies, and statistical analysis; updated coverage of recording technologies; concrete examples of experimental design; and many more figures. Online chapters cover such topics as overlap, localization, writing and reviewing ERP papers, and setting up and running an ERP lab.An essential guide to designing, conducting, and analyzing event-related potential (ERP) experiments, completely updated for this edition.The event-related potential (ERP) technique, in which neural responses to specific events are extracted from the EEG, provides a powerful noninvasive tool for exploring the human brain. This volume describes practical methods for ERP research along with the underlying theoretical rationale. It offers researchers and students an essential guide to designing, conducting, and analyzing ERP experiments. This second edition has been completely updated, with additional material, new chapters, and more accessible explanations. Freely available supplementary material, including several online-only chapters, offer expanded or advanced treatment of selected topics.The first half of the book presents essential background information, describing the origins of ERPs, the nature of ERP components, and the design of ERP experiments. The second half of the book offers a detailed treatment of the main steps involved in conducting ERP experiments, covering such topics as recording the EEG, filtering the EEG and ERP waveforms, and quantifying amplitudes and latencies. Throughout, the emphasis is on rigorous experimental design and relatively simple analyses. New material in the second edition includes entire chapters devoted to components, artifacts, measuring amplitudes and latencies, and statistical analysis; updated coverage of recording technologies; concrete examples of experimental design; and many more figures. Online chapters cover such topics as overlap, localization, writing and reviewing ERP papers, and setting up and running an ERP lab. An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential TechniqueLuck, Steven J.

Este é um livro introdutório muito bom para quem está começando a se aventurar com eletroencefalografia (EEG) e a compreensão dos ERPs. An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique Bought this for University and it is well written, very clear explanations for beginners but I reckon very detailed and technical for someone who has already a basic knowledge of ERPs. Also, got a good bargain by purchasing it from Wordery through . Very fast delivery, very reliable seller! An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique Muy buen libro para cualquiera que se está iniciando en la psicofisiología y concretamente en los ERPs. Luck tiene una forma de escribir y expresarse que facilita mucho la lectura de un material que por su base técnica a priorio sería bastante denso y que no lo es tanto.El libro está estructurado de forma muy inteligente. Tras una base historica y conceptual de los ERP y de los principales componentes, cada capitulo describe, en orden, las fases de una investigación en torno a esta tecnica (desde el diseño experimental hasta el análisis de datos). Todo esto siempre en torno a ejemplos basados en experimentos reales y paradigmas sencillos para no complicar la comprensión.Además cuenta con materiales complementarios online, y todo está bien fundamentado y citado, para que, para quien lo necesite, pueda profundizar más.Buena compra (y el envío a tiempo y correcto) An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique Steven J. Luck is an awesome author, the way he simplifies the subject is simply impressive. I never thought I would understand and actually like ERPs one day, but now I do! An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique Trata se de um livro excelente sobre ERP, de facil leitura e muito agradavel. Bem completo. Interessa aos pesquisadores e curiosos. An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique


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