All That Remains of Me By H.S. Stone
H.S.Stone is a wonderful author! I was totally wrapped up in this book couldn't put it down! I want to read more!! 228 Unique, imaginative, and exciting!
The last thing that Annie Walker remembered was the car crash. This is how All That Remains of Me by H.S. Stone begins. She awakens to a new reality – one in which her consciousness is now housed inside a computer tower with a camera as her window on her surroundings. Eric Li is the 19 year old computer genius that has rescued her very essence from her dying body, mortally injured in the accident that took the lives of her parents. Annie is now a part of an artificial intelligence experiment designed and being tested for the government – a project her own mother had been involved in. And now she must convince Eric and the government officials, Mr. Newman and Mr. Weize, that she’s really the same 16 year old girl she was before her memories were transferred to the computer? And can she do it before they make the decision to pull the plug on the entire experiment?
The author has created characters that “look and feel” so genuine – their interactions and dialogue natural and fluid - that I was immediately invested in the outcome of their story. The moves along smoothly and swiftly with exciting twists and turns all along the way. Even the bad guy seems a natural obstruction rather than evil. Though what he is doing is so, so wrong. This was just a good, good story and so well executed. I highly recommend this to “young adult” fans that like their stories on the SciFi side.
228 Like the blurb says, Annie is a sixteen year old girl that has been in a car accident. Both of her parents are killed and Annie is near death. When she awakes something isn't quite right. Before she dies, a computer genius has inserted her memories into a computer in an attempt to create AI that appears more human.
This is a cute book. It doesn't say in the blurb what age group this is geared toward but I think it's intended audience is closer to middle school aged kids. Maybe even 4th-5th graders. Parent's won't need to worry about sex and violence, foul language or adult themes for their 10-12 year olds.
I liked the concept of the story but I thought it moved a little too quickly through Annie's understanding and acceptance of what had happened to her. Near the end of the books there are some things that left me with some unanswered questions and felt a little contrived. Would a 5th grader notice? Probably not.
I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. 228 Thank you Vocarious Readers and H. S. Stone for the free copy of this book in exchange with an honest review.
This book sounded so promising to me! I really loved the synopsis and I was hoping it wouldn't be very stereotypical. Unfortunately my expectations were not met, and I was left struggling to finish it. My main issue was the fact that it lacked the spark that keeps the reader engrossed in what he/she is reading. There were many times when I felt that the situation was dragging and it was over analysed and over detailed.
I liked Annie quite a lot, I loved that she didn't lose her spark and determination to live her life the best she could, despite being inside a computer. She was very clever and very dedicated to save herself, and I love nothing more than a character who becomes her own hero!
The romance that ensued between Eric, the programmer and Annie was a bit predictable, because it's a trope that has been done one too many times before. We have seen a programmer fall in love with his creation or a computer programmer in books and movies countless of times and personally, I thought that it didn't add anything to the story. Eric could help Annie as her friend too, they didn't have to fall in love for him to come to the rescue.
All in all, All that Remains of Me is a book that can be enjoyed by everyone, especially people who know explicitly how computers work, they will feel very familiar with this book. Annie is a very nice main character and the story possess a thrilling aura as we reach the end of the story! 228 All That Remains of Me is a novel by H.S. Stone. It is in my opinion a masterpiece of the young adult genre. I really enjoyed reading this book. The story opens with sixteen-year-old Annie in a violent car crash. The wreck scene was wonderfully written and served its purpose of giving the reader that “spark” that fully engages the reader in the contract for the willing suspension of disbelief.
The thought of humans being stuck inside computers is horrifying, interesting and some might even say exciting. This concept was refreshing for it’s out of the box plotline. The story touches upon many valuable life lessons about life, friendship, and love. The characters were realistic and well written in that they were not caricatures of the modern day teenager. I found that I could easily identify with both of the main characters, Annie and Eric.
The chemistry between the two was wonderfully written. It was by no means a “sweep you off your feet” love story but more of a “slow burn”. Annie is a very funny and relatable heroine, and Eric is the perfect contrast , nerdy but strong willed and loyal. This book was a page turner and I will probably read it a few times more just to revisit the characters that I have come to greatly enjoy. 228
review All That Remains of Me
During a routine drive to dinner with her parents, sixteen-year-old Annie Walker’s car is struck by a pickup truck. The resulting accident kills her parents and leaves Annie unconscious. When she wakes up, she thinks she’s in a hospital, but the truth is far stranger. Annie has been downloaded into a computer program called PATTIE.
With the help of PATTIE’s brilliant programmer, Eric, Annie struggles to come to terms with her new existence. She also finds that being inside a computer has both advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, the disadvantages can kill her. All That Remains of Me
First of all I would like to thank the author who provided me with a free copy for an honest review.
All that remains of me is a fresh young adult science fiction story with a premise that I personally find fascinating.
After a tragic car accident, a sixteen year old girl wakes up only to find that she is trapped inside a computer. Since her human body could not be saved, a brilliant young scientist decided to transfer her memories in an experimental artificial intelligence program with the unintended consequence of transferring her entire consciousness as well - for what are we but the sum of our memories?
The situation is highly complex from a moral point of view and very grey as well. Is it right to trap a human inside a chassis without their consent (which would be unattainable at the throes of death anyway) ? Would it be better if they died naturally? What happens next?
I was slightly disappointed by the fact that the author didn't expand as much on that as I would have wanted, but the plot is still very interesting and flows well. Annie's reactions are very human, plausible and natural for her age.
Overall I liked the interesting angle of the plot and the two main characters, although I was hoping for some deeper existential dilemmas. 228 I immediately liked the premise when I heard about this book. It reminded me of Caprica. The story is told from Annie's (computer) point of view. The reader (as well as the main character) is not really sure whether or not it is simply a memory or her spirit trapped in the machine. This makes for a good existentialistic questioning. One of the minor critiques I thought were that some parts lacked a bit of emotion (more telling at times than showing) ... Even though Annie downloaded onto a hardware, she still seems to be very human, but it is not as clearly illustrated or developed. That said, it was a pretty good story overall and I recommend it to any fan of artificial intelligence type stories. 228 What can I say about this book? It sounded vaguely interesting, so I grabbed it when it was being offered for review on one of the groups I'm a member of. I'm extremely glad I did! This book was more than just interesting... It was excellent! The main characters are likeable and easy to relate to, and it's wonderful to see how their relationship with one another grows throughout the story. The plot is even more interesting than it sounded from the book description, and written in such a way that it's believable. Plus, the descriptions throughout are fantastic, and the story grabs your attention from page one, holding it until the very end.
*NOTE: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. However, this fact has in no way influenced either my opinion of this book, or the contents of this review. 228 Great Book , very interesting book. It is about a six teen year old girls parents getting hit by a pick up truck and getting killed in the process. The girl is left behind in the process in the hospital unconscious.
When she wakes up and she thinks that she is still in the hospital but in a strange place all together and has not idea that she is in a computer. The girls name is Annie and in the computer her name end up be in meme I think. When her live in in the computer there are different advantages in both. either way it can her or safe her.
When Annie has a struggle with her new existence she has a hard time dealing with it in the process and is wondering what to do next. But Annie learns to live with for the time being.
In reading this book it was a page turner and I could not put it down. I was always looking to see what would happen in the next page. Waiting the outcome in the end of book. The author keeps you right in tuned with the book right the end leaving you right to the edge of your seat.
Looking forward to the next book. 228 This was a fun and light story with some suspense thrown in. Imagine waking up... not in your body! That's what happened to the main character here. I did have a few questions and I think the story could have been more fleshed out (can't say what without giving any spoilers), but all in all it was a very nice read.
**Don't mind the long reading time. Life (meaning work and school) got in the way. The book reads quite easily and I am sure it can be finished in a day tops. 228