Alien Hero's Claimed Bride (Draconian Warriors, #4) By Juno Wells

Revidian is apparently a word created by author to indicate cunnilinguis there is also reverse revidian. This should have been explained by the author in beginning. Of book 1. But was not till book 3 so I was confused. I do like that the author made up words for alien species to describe things both recognizable and not. great series. Read all 11 books too bad 11th book ended abruptly and did not bring all happy families & couples together quite well. It ended so abruptly I kept trying to find a missing page or two. Or will there a 12th book? 211 A well written story that held my interest throughout. Human Cassandra is kidnapped from Earth and is put up for auction. Mathadar a Draconian warrior and his crew see the slave auction while trying to purchase a drug required by their Queen. They save Cassandra and the other alien and human females being sold. The warriors are bemused by the attitudes of the human female “Queens”as the men are treated with respect that has never happened to them before. Reading how much these two go through to get their happy ending kept me turning pages. I received a copy of this book and I am voluntarily reviewing. 211 I loved the feisty, Cassandra and her spunk for not taking any crap from her alien abductors. Being human didn't mean that she would drop down and cry. She didn't know how long that she was a prisoner, but she knew for certain that if the opportunity presented itself that she and the young female would get out of there. Commander Mathadar was raised to obey his queen and stand stiff when she put her claws into him without making eye contact. His queen took pleasure in inflicting pain on her males, it was the way of their world to simply obey. 211 What a fun, spicy and often humorous read. Cassie is human and abducted by aquatic aliens. Kept in miserable conditions she's good she's to be auctioned off. The alien female in the next cage turns things around in a delightfully twisted way. I have to say the symbiont turned my stomach. Loved the ending. 211 I love this author's books. You know you will get a good read that is well written. This one is no exception. The men are portrayed different in this one. They don't have to be all alpha male. The love and take care of their women and are not afraid to have them lead. She gets taken against her will and is being sold. He comes along and sees her and wants her. this is exciting, emotional, intriguing,suspenseful, hot and so much more. 211

Abducted from Earth and now I’m being sold…


Stranded and alone in a sector of space ruled by vicious queens, I’m losing hope of ever finding freedom. After being abducted, all I wanted was to escape from the aquatic species trying to sell me on the open market. They feed me cold slop every day, rough me up when I don’t do what they want, and keep me in a cage with standing room only...

One day, somehow, I’m going to turn the tables and I’ll put them in this same dirty cage. Making that happen is all I think about, because thinking about my life on Earth is too painful. They snatched me right when everything was going to hell in hand-basket!

Humans had finally organized to fight against the environmental disasters making the planet uninhabitable. I was pulling core samples on a mountain top when the aliens came for me. As it is, Earth needs me much more than the horrible aquatics intent on using me to line their pockets!


Being one of millions of warriors in the Draconian fleet makes me insignificant and dispensable. Our Queens don’t value our contributions and see us as expendable. I’ve lost my father and my brothers have been assigned throughout the fleet. I’m alone, another faceless warrior for the cause...

All that changes when I see an alien Queen being auctioned in the city square. It makes my blood boil to see her with her hands tied above her head and her clothing ripped, exposing her pale, ripe body. When she struggles to escape, I imagine her moving on top of me in the same way. May the goddess forgive me for such deviant thoughts about the delicate and helpless Queen...

When her eyes lock with mine and she calls to me, nothing in the verse will keep me from coming to her rescue. Not even the fury of my own chain of command will keep me from her!

She is going to be mine!

Alien Hero's Claimed Bride (Draconian Warriors, #4)

I loved it

I absolutely ADORE these Draconian books. I have to snatch them up as soon as I can. Juno Wells does a fabulous job. I can't wait for more!!!! 211 She Did It Again

Damn, I love this series! Author, Juno Wells has done it again. With each new book in the series, she makes me fall in love with these chivalrous and loving Draconian males. The human women in this series all rise up from difficult circumstances to become the catalysts the Draconian males need to rebel against their evil queens. In the process both species come together to find love and happiness.

211 This brings Earth women and Draconian Warriors into contact for the first time. All women are Queens to the warriors and Earth women are very different. It seems that Draconian Queens are infected with a parasite that makes them cruel. Not so with Earth Women. A good romance and a great story to explain the world building and back story for this series. Love the warriors and look forward to seeing what comes next. 211 Human Cassandra was abducted from Earth and finds herself in another sector of space where the Draconian warriors obey their queens and the Draconian queens are infected with a parasite which feeds on pain and so they are unbearably cruel to their men and even their children. Cassie is about to be sold in a market when she sees warrior Mathadar who immediately answers her call for help and is determined to keep her free and by his side. Can she go against the physically stronger Draconian queens and help the males to a better quality of life while getting back to somewhere safer?

I really enjoyed this story with the Draconian males having blind obedience to the females (queens) and the way that Cassandra taught them that it should be a partnership based on love, caring and mutual trust as opposed to the current situation of blind obedience, pain and heartbreak. All the while she was working to get them back to her own sector of space and away from the toxic environment with the parasites invading the queens. I loved their relationship and the way that it was a delight and a voyage of discovery for Mathadar and the other males. Easy to read and understand it is a story for mature readers only. 211 4 &1\2🌟's for Mathadar and Cassandra

It's been a very long time since I've read a Draconian Warriors book. I started reading at the beginning of the series and then moved away and kinda forgot about them until recently. I'm so glad I found my way back and I've have several more to read which makes me very happy. There is something very sexy , and heart about these warriors. After learning how they have been horribly treated by their females and how they absolutely revere women. It makes you wish to be one of the lucky females to show them what it would be like to truly! be loved and treated as a partner and worthy Mate. Mathadar is a warrior who never believed that he was worthy of any thing good. He never dreamed that he would find a female that would be anything other than cruel. While on Monday swoon he sees and rescues an alien Queen a human female named Cassandra. She changed his entire world in the best possible ways. Cassandra was abducted from Earth in 2016 it is now well past 2032 she was placed in stasis and stolen to be sold into slavery until a huge gorgeous Draconian warrior saves her from a Rafe worse than death. The more she learns about he fabulous warrior the more she wants to make his world a better place. The more she wants to show him what real love could be like. There is so much go in on her important relationships between secondary and main characters happen. They learn about an evil parasite taking over young Draconian queens turning them into soulless killers, danger follows our couple and their friends as they fight for freedom and a new better way of life. All the while out favorite could navigate falling in love and becoming true partners. It's well worth the read and I can't wait to catch up on all the books in the series. So good.💖💖💖 211


Read & Download Alien Hero's Claimed Bride (Draconian Warriors, #4)