Aint Nothing Like the Real Thing By Chicki Brown

This was a nice Christian book. Had drama but not in an outrageous way, which was refreshing for me. This book demonstrates how love can conquer all, especially when you put God in your relationship. ebook A great story about love, betrayal, and forgiveness.

AIN'T NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING is a story of an interracial couple; however, what I loved is that Chicki spent very little time on social issues, but focused on genuine problems between a MAN and a WOMAN. She revealed a couple who loved each other, but unfortunately had to deal with the pain of infidelity and learn the power of forgiveness.

I usually stick to romantic suspense and mystery, but downloaded this novel in my attempt to try out, and support, Indie authors. Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised at a twist, which I will not give away, but let's just say, she surprised, and I am rarely surprised. ebook Chicki Brown's stories are always written with compassion, understanding, and forgiveness. This story of Dee and Michael Reese is faith-based and is beautifully written. They have been married only a few years with one son, Joe, who is a toddler they both dearly love. Michael is too absorbed in managing his Lyrics Supper Club on Long Island. One evening, a world famous model and celebrity, Krista Maxwell, tries to entice Michael into her bed. She achieves her goal, whereas Michael's infidelity becomes known to Dee and they become separated. There is grief but yet hope that they will be able to again be the loving married couple. But then Krista is found murdered, and Dee and Michael become suspects. This is a wonderful story, hard to put down, with many lessons to be learned in keeping a successful family together. It also reflects generosity to others. I highly recommend this well-written story.
ebook Great Read with lots of reality checks, choices and consequences


Great Read that keep my attention a d me up until 2am reading it. This could definitely be a want to expect when. You let your guards down and let your spiritual and marital relationship dwindle.


Ms. Brown is quite nimble with her pen. The story has remarkable flow and vivid images. You believe the characters exist, which is no easy feat, using a blank page as a canvas. You find yourself rooting for the couple with every turn of the page, and truly feel their love and heartbreak as their marriage is tested.

The story of adultery is old as time, but Ms. Brown puts a fresh spin on it. She shows how terrible its aftermath can be, but not with a heavy hand or overly preachy manner. That's especially important when you write a story with Christian undertones. A really enjoyable read.

ebook Author: Chicki Brown
Published By: C.B.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5


Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing by Chicki Brown was a very good romantic well written read. It being of a interracial couple that focused on problems that can come up between two individuals who loved each other, however was the trust really there. The story is a very real one that deals with the pain of infidelity and only through Gods' help with the power of forgiveness becomes very important in these two peoples life. This author also showed much understanding and compassion in her storytelling of ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing.

The characters especially Michael and Dee... I will say were all simply off the chart...good making all of them...Rita, Krista, Sue and others...they seem to simply come alive. This novel was a wonderful novel to read and you will not want to pick it down until the end. There is definitely a lesson that will be learned in being successful in keeping this family together and this is where I will say you must pick up the excellent read to find out just how Ms. Brown gets this story out to its readers that will show how true love will be there for you and will always win when you let God into it.

If you are in for a good christian romance then you have come to the right place for Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing I would recommend to you.
ebook Not a bad book, but this did not work for me, as I did not like Michael. He made a mistake, fair enough, but it did not take much convincing for him to cheat, he and his wife had a child, and had only been together two and half years, so it’s jot like he was bored and his marriage was stale! Michael might have been forgiven if he were not stupid enough to actually stay at the woman he cheated with me house! She was not there as she was a model, and was working across the world, but who is that stupid? He regrets cheating and loves his wife, but he couldn’t find anywhere else to stay but Krista’s house? This guy is loaded by the way? Maybe try a hotel! I did not like the unnecessary angst and drama. Michael claimed he felt used by Krista, and that he regretted sleeping with her. But when he sees her again he is still turned on by her, and if not interrupted by her assistant, I am convinced he would of cheated again. I only think he did not because she was not around! Troy aslo was pretty gross cheating and sleeping with mothers and daughters! Oh well, I felt Dee was pressured to forgive Michael, and actually deserved better! ebook This is a well written even paced Christian book that's not saturated with biblical references where none believers would be turned off in my opinion. Biblical references are appropriately placed in the book and serve as a tool of inspiration and guidance for main characters, Dee & Michael Reese. This book opened my eyes to the biblical teachings concerning infidelity, forgiveness, temptations, and trust. What I like about this story is the subject matter. Many people across the board can relate to being cheated on or their significant other having an affair.

From the beginning I felt the love Dee had for her husband Michael but I never fully felt the same sentiments the other way around. Dee in my opinion was the stronger of the two spiritually. She always put God and family first. It was easy for me to understand her feelings of betrayal and hurt behind her husband’s actions and even her less than godly reactions at times. I saw this character overall as classy and strong. Michael, on the other hand I felt his attempts to explain why he betrayed his vows never really materialized and were lame at best.

There’s a twist in the plot that lands Michael in jail. While locked up, he has a dream of sorts that really isn’t addressed which kind of bothered me. There are other little things that seem a bit too nicely wrapped up for me but taken as a whole this is a good book I would recommend.

Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing was my first time reading anything from Chicki Brown and will not be my last. This books gets 4 solid you don't know what you have until its gone stars.
ebook As if my summer wasn't hot enough, I had the exceptional pleasure of reading Chicki Brown's latest novel Aint Nothing Like the Real Thing, e-published on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I'll admit, I wasn't very interested in the book at first because it was categorized as Christian fiction, and (I'm sorry) but Christian romance can be done a little too prudishly for my taste. Not so here. Ms. Brown tells a remarkably realistic story, with all the candor and grace of traditional romance. Her themes are decidedly Christian, but not to the extent that a lover of romance is overpowered or turned off by its message.

The novel follows Dee and Michael, an interracial couple (as you can see from the cover) happily married with a toddler and, owners, individually, of two companies. So, why, if they are so happy, does Michael find his way into a daring affair--with a world famous supermodel no less--he meets in his nightclub? Michael does not fail to make things worse; because Dee feels so betrayed by his infidelity and no longer wants to even see his face, Michael moves out--to the model's home. Yeah, you heard me right. That part truly struck a nerve.

What I loved about this story is that even though it's about an interracial couple, the couple's reactions to one another are typical of any man or woman. While Dee does have her characteristic black woman moments telling Michael where to go and how to get off, it is an intimate look at how things in a relationship can go horribly wrong, even when everything looks right. Dee and Michael eventually concede to see their pastor about their marriage, and yes, this is the more Christian element of the story, but there's nothing the pastor tells or shows them about their relationship that a good friend wouldn't say, making the story just as relatable for those without a Christian faith or background.

Ms. Brown paints a vivid picture of this couple's life, even from the opening club scene, which feels authentic and real from the very first line. The lovemaking is described passionately without being overtly crude or racy. I was fascinated and gripped by the surprising twist, which I won't give away here, but enlightened me of the author's incredible storytelling.

Dee and Michael Reese have been married for two years. They have a loving, passionate marriage, are raising a beautiful toddler, are actively involved in their church and are successfully managing two businesses.

But their perfect life is unraveling at the seams.

Can Dee’s marriage survive the ultimate betrayal? And will Michael pay for this betrayal with his life? Aint Nothing Like the Real Thing


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