Access (Alex Drake, #1) By Lexxi James

Madison Taylor was in the bathroom and overheard a goldmine of an opportunity and she landed a job interview!
Finally, a win for her after so many days of making ends meet. This is a steamy read. I loved it. I love a lovestruck Alex! I love the allure of a secret but only after 30 days. I can’t wait to read the next book Exposed! I need the secret!!! Lexxi James 2 stars for the first 50% of the book.
The second part was so unreal...

The h was a dumb cousin of Anastasia steel minus the kinky!
The 3rd time she actually talks with the H, she is offered a designer dress and heels, then taken to the boss office were she is unable to resist his charme! Gets an orgasm and fall asleep in said office!
Next morning is awaken by his employee (man) that act like a fairy godmother, with extravagant bathrooms, new pré-arranged outfits, Lamborghini rides to a party the H took control and organized but that's not it! The days continues with drive lessons in another Lamborghini still with the H employee that included stunts, blindfolds and super speed! The fabulous day ended with the h being taken to the H house, were a new wardrobe awaits complete with Cartier and Tiffany boxes! Monogram bathrobes and the shit!
Now let me remind you that this happens the day after they talked for the 3rd time, in all this day the H only appears to receive a blow job for being amazing in hijacking her life after checking the h phone!!!
More things happen that screams psycho stalker alert but the h doesn't do confrontation... so she accepts all oh so meekly!!!

If the guy hasn't that rich, would she put up with it!!?
She is such a Mary Sue!!
But hey, she's not a virgin!!! can't be all bad! Lexxi James Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

Grazie ad un piccolo indizio che Madison aveva captato per pura casualità ascoltando la conversazione di una donna che faceva riferimento ad un’offerta di lavoro, era riuscita a contattare chi si sarebbe occupato dei colloqui presso la Drake Global Industries. Era l’occasione della sua vita e non l’avrebbe sprecata per nessuna ragione al mondo.

Abituata alla piccola località degli Stati Uniti dove era cresciuta, Madison non era mai riuscita ad ambientarsi del tutto nella Grande Mela, dove le strade erano sempre gremite di gente che andava di corsa e brulicanti di auto paralizzate dal traffico.

Il colloquio di lavoro si sarebbe tenuto nel cuore di Manhattan, in un grattacielo fatto di acciaio, pietra e vetro, che puntava dritto verso l’alto, sede del DGI, che si occupava di innovazioni tecnologiche. Era sensazionale.

Il suo capo sarebbe stato Alex Drake, il milionario che si era fatto da solo nonché genio delle telecomunicazioni a livello mondiale. Era un CEO dall’aspetto seducente ma assai arrogante, che trasudava ricchezza e potere in ogni ambito della sua vita. Ma poco importava.
La vita privata del magnate non era affar suo perché per Madison Alex sarebbe stato solo il suo capo. Di questo era fermamente convinta, finché scoprì che invece per lui le cose stavano diversamente: fin dal primo istante in cui l’aveva vista era diventata la sua ossessione.

🖋️Access è romanzo del genere office romance, scritto in maniera leggera e frizzante. A tratti mi ha divertita per le battute sagaci e irreverenti dei protagonisti, ma mi ha anche fatto scervellare la testa per riuscire a scoprire quale sia lo strano legame tra i due, ma dovremo aspettare il sequel per avere tutte le risposte.

Alex non è solo un arrogante amministratore delegato che sa il fatto suo, né l’uomo affascinante abituato ad avere ogni donna nel suo letto. Ma è anche una persona tormentata da un passato che lo fa soffrire e che lo spinge a compiere una misteriosa e continua ricerca…

Non appena i suoi occhi si sono posati su Madison è stato colto da una strana familiarità, ma il sorriso della giovane donna, dolce e imbronciato allo stesso tempo, e il suo sguardo magnetico da sexy bibliotecaria, lo hanno distolto dai suoi propositi, ma quando ha capito chi era ha realizzato che la sua lunga ricerca, finalmente, era arrivata a conclusione.

 🖋️Questo primo volume è incentrato su un segreto che Alex non ha voluto svelare. Mi è piaciuto moltissimo leggerlo, soprattutto perché amo le storie che hanno come protagonista sexy CEO. I pensieri impudici di Aex, colmi di erotismo, li ho trovati molto sensuali e assolutamente in linea con il suo personaggio, un pó sopra le righe, sfrontato e insolente, ma adorabile.

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia ARC in Anteprima Lexxi James Quick steamy read! For this to be a short read I was quite impressed by the storyline, usually quick reads lack one severely. Solid characters. Easy to understand world built. Secondary characters were very appealing.

Alex and Madison are a very sexy pair with an interesting backstory lying in wait. This one ended not so much on a cliff hanger but definitely a suspenseful one.

Excited for book 2!

Happy reading! DD 💕
Lexxi James Access really doesn't give much away. And that's not a bad thing - I think it was intentionally written that way. There's a certain languid quality to it and at times, hypnotic.

The story revolves around Madison Taylor, small town girl trying to make her way in the city that never sleeps. And Alex Drake - one very elusive, secret man. At the outset, she stumbles upon a possible real lead for a great job and pursues it - leading her to a multibillion conglomerate, D.G.I. After what starts as a rocky interview mainly due to a rather rude man who spilled a combination of coffee mixed with liquor all over her blouse leading to her reeking of booze during said interview, she still manages to nail the job.

D.G.I. may as well be a fortress. Each floor needs a separate pass and on the tippy top of the towering building is where Alex Drake, the CEO resides. Alex is mysterious, has a history of one night stands and nothing more, and is largely an enigma. And given the story, it seems he's been that way for at least the last 10 years.

But Madison Taylor is the chink in his armor that quickly changes all of that. Even though this is a really quick read, there's a lot of mystery to it. Yes, it certainly has hot times when he finally swings Madison his way but there are many questions. And the answers are not contained in this book. Alex seems to have a rather obsessive interest in Madison and he also seems to know a lot of personal things about her that she starts to catch on to. Including childhood names used by her dead older brother, favorite book and other little tidbits that don't add up.

Alex seems to want to give her the world but that doesn't stop Madison on finally needing to know how he seems to know so many personal things pertaining to her after finding certain things in his apartment. Alex is hesitant as hell to give any answers and manages to wrangle a 30 day waiver from Madison - 30 days of being with him and he'll answer her questions. She relents and it seems it's on. But the question remains the whole book as to what his motive is, why Madison, how does he know these intimate facts and on top of that, how will she react when she finds out. I could feel Alex's reticence and also fear at the thought of giving in and telling her the truth.

To balance all the unsaids and his slightly undefined character that lays under wraps, the author brings in Paco, his right hand man. Let me just say, Paco is delightful. He's slightly OTT, the opposite of Alex and although he's obviously capable of getting his hands dirty, he is one entertaining dude who also brings the added bonus of being gay. There's nothing like a vivacious gay man to school you. And between his Lamborghini, his lack of censoring his thoughts around others and his love for diamond earrings, he is definitely the type of dude you'd enjoy hanging out with.

This book doesn't end on a cliffhanger but it does end on a note of all that is unknown, a genuine curiosity as to the inner layers of Alex and an agreed upon countdown to the truth.

So given that note, I'm off to number 2- 'Exposed' to figure out just who this guy really is and what the hell it is he's hiding!

****4 stars for this (I believe) haunted man and his obvious need to make something right though God only knows what it is!

Lexxi James


free read Access (Alex Drake, #1)

An abrupt encounter. Undeniable attraction.
A mysterious connection to a man she doesn't know.

Book #1 in the Alex Drake Series

When seclusive billionaire Alex Drake sets his sights on Madison, obsession takes over.

Unlocking his world was easy.
Seducing her was inevitable.
But securing her heart might be impossible.
He's ready to give in to her every desire except for one.

The only thing she wants.
An answer.
To a tiny question.
Why her?

Warning: Full Steam Ahead.
Lexxi James Books are seductive, suspenseful romances filled with fun, sensual, and sizzling high-heat love scenes.
Access (Alex Drake, #1)

4 Eau de Booze Stars ⭐️

As a debut novel, Access was seriously good. Expecting a standard office romance, pleasantly I got so much more. With a well written storyline and lots of heat 🔥, the dialogue was genuinely funny and witty.

Maddison Taylor applies for a job at Drake Industries. After a shitastic morning, things aren’t looking up when her interview is a flop. Fortunately, with enough heart and sass, she miraculously scores the role.

Alex Drake self made billionaire is instinctively drawn to Maddison from the get go. But convincing her that he’s more then an arrogant twat, is proving more alluring then he anticipated.
Add in the fact that this woman is ‘the’ package, smart, hardworking, humorous and let’s not forget sexy. He’s screwed.

”She’s not simply beauty and balls after all. She’s got brains too. I’m going to marry this girl.”

But before he can finally win the girl, Alex will need to disclose, important information that he’s been withholding from Maddison. The truth comes with a clause, a 30 days grace period.

Ha, I guess I now need to wait for Book 2 to get my answers.......

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Lexxi James What a good surprise this book was! This is my first book by Lexxi James and I enjoyed every minute of it. ❤️ Lexxi James Madison Taylor was at the right place at the right time or so she thought. Excited with the news she received and on a high she enters the building for an interview of a great job. That is until she runs into an encounter with a stranger that may have derailed the best lead she had enter and now may be for nothing. Madison is determined and decide she couldn't afford not to at least try. With the job of her dreams Madison feels like she is unstoppable she tries to be the first to arrive and last to leave but finds herself in another predicament, she attracted to the CEO which means nothing but trouble. Alex Drake CEO of Drake Global International has everything, sex appeal, power money, however when he see Madison he wants more he is drawn to her and wonder if she is the one. Alex must have her but he has secrets which he tells his trusted business partner Paco to look into. Now Paco is a character all on his own, he lives life to the fullest every step is full of confidence he loves his cars and no one at DGI will ever question who he is or what he does he is Paco, style and grace and knowledge at his fingertips. Now Alex has 30 days to show Madison who he is before he reveals how he knows her and Madison is afraid to let her guards down, so will Alex & Madison have a solid foundation or will it crumble before it start. Love love this story great read Lexxi James!!!! Lexxi James What a fabulously sexy hot read!!! I don't know about Madison ,but I'm so intrigued by Alex drake!!! I love a man of mystery and I want to know his secrets!!! I simply adore both Alex and madison,their lovemaking is a sensual delight and their steamy encounters are so friggin hot! The storyline is fabulous and keeps your attention as well. And Alex's right hand man paco is so interesting as well,I need to know more about his story too! Can't wait to read more from this series!! It ends more as a continuing story rather then a cliff hanger. Well done Lexxi James you have me truly hooked. Until next time luv's💗💋 Lexxi James Awesome first book. Alex is mysterious and intriguing.

Alex Drake captured my interest from the start. He is rich and powerful, confident and charming. He has women falling at his feet so to speak, but at times he is shaky and on the verge of what seems to be a panic attack. He sees Madison Taylor in his office building and thinks she might be the girl he has been searching for.

He has his second in command and all around go-to guy Paco, check into her. Apparently, she is not one of the many “Madison Taylor’s”Paco had previously researched while trying to find the one specific girl they were searching for. The attraction between Madison and Alex is instant and hot. He goes after her with a drive that he hasn’t ever had to in the past and he sees her as different from the one night stands he has had in the past.

The romance is fast paced and scorching. I loved it. Though Alex is keeping secrets and Madison knows it. We will find out more in book 2, but I am loving these characters and the dynamic between them. It doesn’t all make perfect sense, such as how fast it is moving and some of the things she isn’t questioning, but hopefully all will be answered in book 2. I can’t wait!

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