A Guide to Old English By Bruce Mitchell
Summary A Guide to Old English
Six weeks after I began I'm reading Old English thanks to the wonderful guidance of a good professor and this perceptive book. Mitchell & Robinson think of all the grammatical conundrums and explain them with simplicity so that in 4-6 weeks you to can read Anglo-Saxon poetry, and let there be no question - it's entirely worth the effort to translate the poems. 400 This is one of the best language primers I've used. I really hate the phrase makes history come ALIVE but...well...the book goes out of its way to explain how culture affects language, and how Old English affects the language we speak today. Some of the poems (The Wanderer comes to mind) are unspeakably sad and beautiful. 400 I have really fond memories of this book and can remember buying it many years ago. At that period Mitchell and Robinson's books were all the rage. I remember picking up a pristine hardcover edition from a bookshop and have treasured it ever since.
The book itself is a pretty good introduction and teach yourself guide to the Old English Language with a selection of Old English texts and a glossary. The first section contains really useful sections on everything from pronunciation to syntax, while the second section contains the texts that the user can practice their newly acquired translating skills on.
While this book is nowhere near as comprehensive as Campbell's Old English Grammar or Mitchell's Old English Syntax and thankfully it doesn't pretend to be either, it is a lot less stuffy sounding than Sweet's Primer and Reader and much more fun to read for the patient beginner. 400 19/45 books read in 2017.
10/23 bookshelf read in 2017.
This book is aimed at native speakers of English, if you know German/have taken classes in German you will know some parts already (just with some new words I couldn't seem to remember -_-)
Definitely need to re-read if I really want to master Old English, but my course is done. ;)
400 Haha look - this is on Goodreads!
I mean.. ahem. It is my view that the linguistic nuances of Old English poetry are lost completely in translation. Every lover of literature should get this book and learn Old English. For how can the opening Hwaet of Beowulf possibly be rendered in our sloppy modern attempts at expression? How can the suffering of the Seafarer bite at the soul of a reader when the original meter is compromised? What craft have you? Where has gone the horse? Where the rider? Where the giver of treasure? Alas for the bright cup! 400
I used this text for an old English class. Helpful book in understanding and translating old English. It takes time and effort, but I’m on my way to mastering it. 400 Long ago, kids, when I was in grad school, we had to take a class in Old English as part of our coursework for a PhD. I loved it! And we used this essential book with includes poetry in Old English and explanations of grammar. I'd never been interested in Beowulf before I learned to decipher it a little in Old English. Then the verses began to come alive for me. If you like this period and you are interested in this poetry, do yourself a favor and dip into this classic volume. 400 This book provides a description of Anglo Saxon, many examples to learn, and an impressive bibliography of sources to launch one's studies. 400 Aimed at autodidacts as well as traditional students. The author *loves* OE, and you can tell. 400 What a backwards way to learn a language. I taught myself by just reading the sample texts in the back with a glossary. You pick up declensions as you go. It would be better if the text started you reading OE right away and explained the grammar as it came up and as was necessary rather than dumping 100 pages of OE grammar on you to memorize with no context. 400
For more than thirty years, A Guide to Old English has been the standard introduction to Old English language and literature. This updated sixth edition retains the structure and style of the popular previous editions, and includes two new, much-requested texts: Wulf and Eadwacer and Judith.The book consists of two parts. Part One comprises an introduction to the Old English language, including orthography and pronunciation, inflexions, word formation, an authoritative section on syntax. This is followed by an introduction to Anglo-Saxon studies, which discusses language, literature, history, archaeology, and ways of life. Sound changes are treated as they become relevant in understanding apparent irregularities in inflexion. Part Two contains verse texts, most of them complete, which fully reveal the range that Old English poetry offers in mood, intensity, humor, and natural observation. Full explanatory notes accompany all the texts, and a detailed glossary is provided.The new edition of this highly-acclaimed Guide will be welcomed by teachers and by anyone wanting to gain a greater understanding and enjoyment of the language and literature of the Anglo-Saxons. A Guide to Old English