A Dangerous Silence (English Edition) eBook : Palmer, Catherine: : Kindle-Shop A Dangerous Silence (English Edition) eBook : Palmer, Catherine
It had been awhile since I had read a book by Catherine Palmer. She did well with this contempoarary fiction story. It kept me wanting to read . The smallpox epedemic was awful when it came on the Native Americans. It started with a gruff farmer falling out of his hayloft. He had driven away all his family. His oldest daughter Marah finally comes to his aide. She was reluctant to come because of their estrangement. But before she comes men from a goverment agency come wanting to look for something on Ed land. Not long after Marah comes Judd comes looking for work. He comes at the right time because Marah needs his help. In comes Perky with her delightful ways to add light to the picture. Judd is their on assignment from the FBI to report and investigate the men who have come to ecvate an area on Ed property. Things start out well for Judd and Marah and their relationship starts to grow well he's investigating the men on the farm. Marah and ED relationship is very hostile. Little Perky tries to ease everything. During this time also a friend of Judd from the FBI agency gets killed by the men who are at the ranch. Judd knows that these men are not who they say they are. They are upto no good. Marah mentor from the hospital dies after contracting smallpox though they didn't know it at the time. As things heat up as far as the bad men go. Judd keeps up with his reports to his boss. Through their contacts the bad men find out that his an FBI agent. They try to kill him by blowing up his truck but they fail to kill him. He goes back to the ranch Marah finds him he reveals to Marah and Ed that he an FBI agent. He tries to keep it from Perky so the bad guys won't know he's alive. During this also Ed opens up to Marah about her mom and some of their problems. Even how she died and what from Marah figured it out. She also found out that the farmer on the next farm over was her half brother. So Perky ends up being her neice and ED grandaughter. Judd , Marah and ED all fall in love with little Perky. After Marah finds out that Judd may have been killed in the explosion. She thinks about how much she has come to love him. Marah goes to Wichita after talking to Judd and Ed to tell the docters there about the smallpox being let loose. Well she is gone Perky has a run in with the bad men they infect her with smallpox she goes to Ed and Judd and they know they have icelate her. Marah comes back and everthing breaks loose with them and the bad guys. A fight comes between the bad men and the FBI. Ed and Marah farmhouse is set a fire by accident with them in it. They get out before it's totally destroyed. Before this Judd and Marah were able to get Perky to safety and the help she needed. Judd and the other FBI men prevail. Everyone is saved the smallpox vials are taken care of. Right prevails in the sitauation God had in control the whole time. Both Ed and Judd came to know Jesus and it turned them around. Ed and Marah relationship changed for the better before he died. With all that happening in today world this was a very interesting book. Judd and Marah found love through it all neither one expecting it. Judd fell for Marah when he first met her. I definately recomend this book. Kindle, Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch I really enjoy the different characters, the humour, the constant reminders to ground our lives in the word of God and to submit totally to Him. Kindle, Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch This was a very exciting story, and one of the best books i have read in a while!! I was surprised by this book because I have read many of Mrs Palmers but, this one was so different. The story pulls on every emotion. I know you will enjoy it. Kindle, Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch I read this book a long time ago and decided to brig it out of hiding and read it again. So glad I did. I couldn't remember any of it. Marah Morgan has come to take care of her angry hateful father. Fix up the farm and sell it and move Ed Morgan to town.Anthropologist come to excavate an Indian grave site. For what purpose? This was a hidden agenda.In comes Judd Hunter a FBI agent undercover as a farm worker. Read and see how this mystery unfolds. You'll love it. Pretty intense. Kindle, Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch Fan flipping tastic book. Full of intrigue, shock, terror, anger, sickness, love, lies, deceit..really incredible. Could be made into a movie. Really great and along the lines of 'Fatal Harvest'. a must read. Kindle, Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch