7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life By Mary C. Neal

Mary C. Neal ¹ 5 Read & Download

A nice follow up to her first book. The author seems authentic, caring and eager to share what she has learned from her near death experience. Overtly Christian, which doesn’t bother me but could be off putting to those of other religions. Mary C. Neal This is a beautiful book filled with hope. Mary C. Neal Dr. Mary Neal gives not only a view of her own near death experience, but she also presents a compilation and comparison of sorts on the experiences of others. I may be overstating it to say that she delves into the science of it but it did seem to be important to her that she include a lot of facts to support the encounter. Mary C. Neal A very powerful book! I loved it! Mary C. Neal This was a great book. I enjoyed this one almost as much as Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days. Of course this one wasn't written by a member of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ but still just as good. I still don't know how she didn't have any effects of being underwater for 30 minutes. She wrote another book that I'll read in a few weeks.

Scattered Notes:

Apparently when people die they act like they are getting dressed.

I guess people aren't in physical agony when they die. They also don't feel death during the moment.

The excitement of obedience is finding out later what God had in mind. I liked this one a lot.

She met two of the Three Nephites. That's all neat.

I wonder why she had two other out of body experiences after.

Every Saint has a past. And every Sinner has a future.

CPR has around a 2% success rate.

It takes a person an average of 7 years to transform the effects of their NDE into their daily life. In fact one guy that one changed so much (even for the better) that his wife divorced him. What a hag.

About 18% of people have NDE.

Some people that have NDEs meet unborn children or miscarriage children, too.

People who are mean and bitter on earth are loving and joyful in heaven. Hmmm that one is iffy.

Glimpses into heaven are meant to change how you and I live now.

Sometimes people will see an animal or thing that was meaningful to the person that died.

Miracles occur when God's desire and power overcome lesser forces.

Supposedly Jeremiah 29:11 is the second most looked up scripture in the Bible right after John 3:16 - classic.

What age did her boy die? She said he was supposed to die before 19 but that his life was prolonged or something.

People who are spiritual but not religious just want to make their beliefs according to their own set of rules and pick it up and put it down whenever they want and not be accountable to a higher being.

A Grove of Aspen trees are genetically identical and they a change leaf colors at the same time.

I like how she suggested to write down Tender Mercies so you can see God's Hand.

There's not a word for coincidence in Hebrew, only a word that means a happening from God.

I want to hear about a NDE from someone who doesn't believe in God at all and is very hardened.

We as a people have forgotten how to be spiritual and that tons of spiritual things happen all around us and we need to open our eyes more. Mary C. Neal


New York Times bestseller

Neal combines spiritual reflection with medical facts to create lessons that are profound and eminently practical. . . an inspiring work any believer can enjoy. —Publishers Weekly

In this inspired follow-up to her million-copy bestseller, To Heaven and Back, Dr. Mary Neal shares untold stories about her encounters with Jesus and powerful insights about how the reality of heaven can make each day magnificent.
     Dr. Mary Neal's unforgettable account of a 1999 kayaking accident that took her life, and what happened next, has riveted more than a million readers. But something happened as she shared her story in the years since. Not only did Neal realize she had more to tell, she discovered she had yet to answer the biggest question of all: How does knowing heaven is real change our lives on Earth?     
     I have never finished speaking at a venue, including corporate settings, without people wanting to know more, says Dr. Neal. In 7 Lessons From Heaven, Neal takes readers deeper into her experience, which includes encounters with angels, a journey to a city of light, and what it was like to meet Jesus face-to-face. Even more, Neal shares how she was sent back with the absolute knowledge that the God we hope for—the one who knows us, loves each of us as though we are the only one, and wants us to experience joy in our daily life—is real and present. She offers practical insights and inspiration for how each of us can experience this God every day and begin living without regret, worry, anxiety, or fear. 7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life

I did not read this book because I needed proof of heaven. I was curious to see if the author's experience would contain a similarity to an other-worldly encounter that I experienced on the day my mother died. There was a similarity. And I, like the author, find it difficult to find the right words. I wanted to be with my mother when she took her last breath. On the morning of her death I was awoken by a being. I did not see it, but I heard it. It was not an audible voice, yet just as real. More real. The voice was melodic, pleasant, and somehow sounded like flowing waters. The voice said, Wake up sweetheart, your mommy is going to die today. The being was not sad. She was excited. And I do believe that it was my mother because those are words she would say. It also sounded like her, only musical somehow. I think that God allowed her to visit me shortly before she departed for good. There was a lightness in my heart as I made the journey to the hospital. She died within about 30 minutes of my arrival. I was holding her hand. I am grateful to God for that gift.
I did not need proof of heaven. But I do appreciate the gift of that foretaste. Mary C. Neal 7 lesson from Heaven. 4.5⭐️

Reading about her journey to heaven and back and her out of body experience was so beautiful.
Her lessons may comfort some of those who are scared of the unknown. But it is a reassuring moment that when this world comes to an end, that our life ends we will be fine if we are followers of God.

Star reasoning:
⭐️ The uniqueness of the story
⭐️The writing style
⭐️her before, during, and after was told as though we are their seeing as she sees.
⭐️The lessons
+.5 It made me think.
- .5 semi repetitive
Mary C. Neal I heard the author Mary C. Neal being interviewed recently. Two words that she said stood out and made me know there was a message in her book for me. I was right. Mary C. Neal I chose this book to read because I am interested in the after-life. Who isn't? I find it interesting to read about what people have experienced.

7 Lessons From Heaven turned out to be the kind of book that disturbs me. It is a one size fits all experience based on meeting Jesus and other specifically Christian visions. Why is this a problem? Because we live in a world of many religions and many Gods (and Goddesses). Taking this narrow view, and not taking other religions into consideration marginalizes others, and that is never something good.

That said, this is her experience. This is how she views the world. However, this is not a perspective that should assume that it is THE experience for all. Mary C. Neal 7 Lessons From Heaven, How Dying Taught Me to Live a joy-Filled Life by Mary C. Neal, M.D. Convergent Books.5 Stars. Through a markedly Christian interpretation, Mary C. Neal, M.D. takes on doubters, questioners, believers and—most importantly— miracles. In the straightforward exploration of her near death experience and the truth of the mystical existence of God, angels, and divine comfort and guidance, the author shares her rebirthing from the jaws of death and the death of a loved one, coming full circle to live in a joy that revitalizes the human spirit. Read through the lens of my own NDE, I am continuously awed by others’ experiences and at the very least know I am in good company! Highly recommend as a book club choice, a stand-alone or companion book to Mary C. Neal’s prior (engrossing) book, To Heaven and Back: A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again: A True Story. Love the cover picture as well. Thanks to NetGalley and Convergent Books for providing this ebook for review. Mary C. Neal