100 Favorite Garden Wildflowers (The 100 Favorite Series) By Teri Dunn

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This remarkable book is a ready source of authoritative information about garden wildflowers in a browsable, easy-access format. A brief introduction outlines the basics of selecting and growing wildflowers, from the importance of finding reputable sources for nursery-propagated plants to fitting these distinctive plants into the scheme of your garden. One hundred plant portraits follow, offering such critical information as eventual size, bloom time, hardiness zone, and sun requirements. The description includes suggestions for landscape use, notable cultivars, and any special requirements. Whether you want to add a few beautiful wildflowers to your garden or plan a sweeping prairie of blooms, you’ll find the perfect plants for your needs in 100 Favorite Garden Wildflowers. 100 Favorite Garden Wildflowers (The 100 Favorite Series)