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Easy read. A lot of good narratives. Felt good after finishing the book but could have been shorter. Perhaps it is interesting read if you are fresh to concepts like first principles, thought experiments and decision science. Nevertheless it is a good read Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого DNF, got 30% of the way through the audio book.
Like much of the self help literature, heavily reliant on anecdotes (not even interesting ones - the common ones like Jobs, Musk, etc) without accounting for survivorship bias.
I did see some interesting ideas about redundancy and reliability that overlap with my own field (software), but I think I'd better off just reading about those topics directly, instead of a watered-down popular treatment.
The best idea I'll take away from this book is the concept of adversarial thought experiments. Ask how you can make your system fail, or imagine being your boss and try to build a case for why he should not promote you. This kind of perspective taking is reminiscent of Superforecasters by Tetlock. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого Didn't finish. Started to get really cliche after a third of the book... like a elaborated essay with too many examples. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого I love books that offer insights from multiple fields of study and make them applicable to our everyday situations. Think like a Rocket Scientist is one of those books - detailed, easy to read, with examples from numerous professions, it is well researched and represents a wealth of knowledge.
This book is divided into three stages - Launch, Accelerate and Achieve. Launch was definitely my favorite phase because it provided me new ways to think about a situation, confronting the ideas that we are comfortable with to let go and learning how to practice divergent and convergent thinking. Many principles of philosophy were addressed in this section and I loved the discussions around fallacies.
One of my favorite books last year was Andrew Radar's Beyond the Known. That book was a comprehensive history of exploration. Think like a Rocket Scientist, in my mind, is a follow up to how we can all explore the unknown by confronting our biases, designing out of the box experiments and really giving reign to the child inside of us who lives to explore and learn new things. As a data analyst, the ideas around importance of studying anomalies and how we try to interpret data to conform to our views spoke true to me and I look forward to applying what I have learned to my career.
Thank you to the publisher and author for making this book available to me through NetGalley. I found the accompanying summary and exercise book available on Ozan's website super helpful, giving me all the key points in one place. I look forward to revisiting my notes and trying out each of the exercises. Once I have done them, I will share in detail about the book on my blog. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого Wow, I loved Think Like A Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life, one of the best nonfiction books I’ve read in a long time. Ozan Varol is a former rocket scientist who provides realistic, attainable tips on how to reframe your thinking and employ strategies to obtain different outcomes. The book is divided into three sections: Launch, Accelerate, and Achieve. While I liked all of them, I enjoyed Launch the most, as it was, for me, the most insightful.
”Uncertainty means doing things no one has done before and discovering things that, for at least a brief moment, no other person has seen. Life offers more of itself when we treat uncertainty as a friend, not a foe.”
In addition to embracing uncertainty (something I undoubtedly have room to improve on), among its many concepts, the book suggests rather than forecasting, we engage in backcasting: envisioning the ultimate outcome then working backward to identify challenges and actionable steps to overcoming these barriers or objections.
”Backcasting reorients you toward the path. If you want to climb a mountain, you’ll imagine training with your backpack on, hiking at high altitudes to get used to the low-oxygen environment, climbing stairs to build up muscles, and running to improve endurance. If you want to write a book, you’ll imagine sitting in front of your computer every single day for two years putting one awkward word after the next, writing one ghastly draft chapter after another, polishing, tweaking, and retweaking—even if you don’t feel like it—with no recognition or accolades.”
I found myself highlighting quite a bit of information throughout the book, which I know will be helpful to revisit. While Think Like a Rocket Scientist initially piqued my interest, I wasn’t sure how technical it would be — There are many rocket scientist examples included, however, they were easy to understand and I appreciate the numerous examples from other industries too. It was clear to me why Daniel Pink and Adam Grant, two of my favorite nonfiction authors, endorsed this book as well.
Thank you to NetGalley and PublicAffairs for providing an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого
Ozan Varol took me on a joyful and horizon expanding trip to Mars. His writing is personal, precise, and full of practical advice. If you want to change the world, read this book and start shooting for your stars! Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life is written by a former “rocket scientist.” Given that scientific thought is simply a goal-directed process, author Ozan Varol shares strategies to approach and solve our life’s complexities. This is an interesting book, for sure, although I suspect I am not enough of a science Geek to truly appreciate much of the science references, which I subsequently found to be a bit distracting. For that reason, I deducted one star. Having said that, it is written well, presenting nine useful strategies from rocket science to prompt readers to approach their goals and objectives with confidence. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого This isn't about rocket science. It's about good ways of thinking. And it's got some interesting nuggets. Mostly it's a lot of ideas listed out and explained, covering this mental model supported by that social study. Consider it a survey of good thinking, from how to be more creative to being more collaborative. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого Brilliant book.
Compared to bestselling author, Nassem Taleb's book Black Swan is the unlikely event that disrupts industries and bankrupts businesses, like a pandemic or housing bust. This book is the answer to avoid getting hurt badly when such situations, and they will happen at some point or the other.
Whether you are a student, entrepreneur or mid level executive, this book will help you improve your critical thinking skills. You will emerge with new ways to innovate, see patterns and a fresh burst of creativity. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого Picked this up for a book club group I’m in, and was delighted to find easy-to-digest chunks of sciencey but not too nerdy advice on how to enhance and improve your thinking and reasoning skills! The author, a rocket scientist turned author/professor/podcaster, lays out examples from space programs, some successful and some not, and deconstructs these to see how and where the flaws and breakthroughs originated. There is a NASA behind-the-scenes feel to much of the book, because that’s where these fateful decisions—go or no go—are made. Whether you are looking for some structure to help organize yourself, or are just a space nerd, there is something for many readers in this narrative. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого
Думати як фахівець з космічних польотів – це мислити поза шаблонами, ставити під сумнів стереотипи й усталені патерни мислення, щоб досягати неможливого.
Одне з головних їхніх завдань – уявляння незбагненного та вирішення нерозв’язаного. Завдяки таким підходам людині вдалося ступити на Місяць, а космічні кораблі можуть долати мільйони кілометрів у відкритому просторі. І ці підходи можна застосовувати у різних професіях і сферах життя, щоб досягати результатів. Сьогодні існує низка інституцій, які впроваджують способи мислення, притаманні космонавтиці у свою модель бізнесу. Це допомагає розпізнавати дезінформацію та псевдонауку, бути креативним, розвивати критичне мислення. Приєднатись до цього кола може кожен, а як це зробити можна дізнатись з цієї доступної і практичної книжки. Думай, як у NASA: звички, ідеї та стратегії для досягнення неможливого