Andheri Raat Ke Musafir / اندھیری رات کے مسافر By Naseem Hijazi

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Andheri Raat Ke Musafir / اندھیری رات کے مسافر

Year 1491, when Spain was given away voluntarily by the Muslims to avoid fighting battle. This shameful history relfects upon the acts of greed and laziness of the Prime minister Abul Qasim, who betrayed his own king and fell into the trap of his enemy Ferdinand, who promised him that after 'peacefully' capturing Granada (غرناطہ) he'll be given a special role and status, but for the time being they all must leave the city along with his Sultan, Abu Abdullah to avoid any bloodshed and resistance form their own people. But it was all a lie, that he realized when there was nothing left to do.

So, this stroy tells us that the traitors who betray their homeland, always meet the drastic ending leaving the innocents nowhere to go. That traitor is considered as the only mole responsible for this end, but these interesting lines from the book left me speechless:

یہ چند افراد ہمارے اجتماعی گناہوں کی سزا ہیں۔۔۔۔۔قرطبہ ہمارا سیاسی اور روحانی مرکز تھا اور ہم اسی دن تباہی کے راستے پر گامزن ہو چکے تھے جب ہم نے اس عظیم ملّی حصار کو قبائلی اور نسلی عصبیتوں کی رزم گاہ بنا لیا تھا۔

Naseem Hejazi has captured this history in the most skillful manner, as always. Portraying the fictional characters during that time of treachery and betrayal, we don't know who is to be your enemy or your friend. As for my opinion, leading characters met an unexpected ending. Urdu i think it will be a nice one...
i dont know what others think about it.
lets seeeeee.................... Urdu Wasn't typical of Naseem Hijazi's novels. Shaheen was a lot better than this. Didn't find it a good read. I don't recommend it. Urdu I read in a review once that this was one of the least good works of Naseem Hijazi, and with that I might differ at points, and agree at others. For one thing the writing and story were original, especially that of Aatika and Saeed, but of course the setting as usual was in the mix of huge events in history. I found myself getting very bored at many places, and the plans just started going over my head. But I have to say the ending was extremely potent, moving me to tears, and that is why I will not be changing my rating of 5. Urdu I have read better of him. This was average. Urdu


It was my first Novel. After reading it I became fan of novels. Specially of Naseem Hijazi. Urdu 10 Urdu I LIke It & Read Again Urdu npthing

Urdu ریڈ کیسے کرنا ہے